Wednesday, December 6, 2023

written by Jesse Attreau

The man who created the logic-based approach for assessing the Bible. The logic-based approach is the most valid and most powerful approach there is for assessing the credibility of the Bible. It effectively eliminates the need for most, if not all, of the other arguments typically used to disprove the Bible, scientific, biological, cosmological or otherwise. The book debunks many of the major claims made in the Bible as well as most of the major arguments currently being made in support of it by it's believers. In slang terms, it's a hatchet job and proves conclusively, beyond any shadow of doubt, that the Bible is not the word of a god. The book also includes Mr. Attreau's astonishing theory for the universe. Two of the major pillars of which have now been confirmed by the James Webb Space Telescope. Specifically, that super-distant quasars with super-massive black holes at their centers already existed at the time of the Big Bang and therefore are the remnants of a previous universe, making Attreau in effect the discoverer of the existence of a previous universe.

"My book is the best book ever written on the Bible ..."

Jesse Attreau

Just some of the things you'll learn from the book:

You’ll never believe the Bible again, that is, if you ever believed it in the first place.

Proves with "absolute, iron-clad, certainty" that the Bible is not the word of a god.

Exposes the farce of Bible prophecy.

Proves that every claim that the Bible makes about the god it talks about, both Testaments, is a lie, from Genesis chapter 1, verse 1 on ...

Argues that believing the Bible requires a standard of proof equivalent to, “I’ll automatically believe anything you tell me, no matter what it is.”

Demonstrates how a lack of knowledge of the natural world was the Bible writers' Achilles' heel.

Proves with absolute, iron-clad, certainty that the Jews return to Israel in 1948 was not the one prophesied in the Bible.

Explains what the universe is doing here, how it got here and what's going to happen to it!

Dimensions and pricing

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